
We need your support. kamay krafts welcome resellers especially those who share our vision to empower the poor. You can place an order for our beautiful products by sending us an email or message in the facebook page (see contacts). Resellers are given discounted price.
Products on order may be sent thru Airmail (14 days delivery)  or airfreight for (6 days delivery) for products more than40 kilos.
Lead time take about minimum of 2 weeks depending on the quantity of order. Large order like 1,000 pcs or more normally takes 1 month production lead time. Postage or shipment fee is charged at cost separately from the products and billed to the customer.
KK Accepts payments  thru Paypal,  ANZ bank transfer (if within australia), or pay direct transfer to our local bank Philippine National Bank
Our Partners:
Servants to asia's urban poor
Echostores- Serrendra Mall - Bonifacio Global City, The Podium, Ortigas (
The Farm Resort- San Benito Batangas
Share People, Netherland
Filipinas Fairtrade Venture
World Fair Trade Organization
Care and Share, Australia-
Asatrade Switzerland-